Terms & Conditions
Terms and Conditions: Pembrokeshire Gymnastics Academy
By signing up to Pembrokeshire Gymnastics Academy (PGA), you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions.
*1. Codes of Conduct*
- You agree to abide by the Academy's Codes of Conduct for Parents and Gymnasts.
- You understand that these codes are in place to ensure a safe, respectful, and supportive environment for all members.
*2. Zero Bullying Policy*
- PGA has a zero-tolerance policy towards bullying.
- You agree to report any incidents of bullying to the Academy's Welfare Officer.
*3. Welsh Gymnastics Policies and Procedures*
- You agree to abide by Welsh Gymnastics policies and procedures.
- You understand that these policies and procedures are in place to ensure a safe and supportive environment for all members.
*4. Safe and Child-Friendly Club*
- You agree to respect the Academy's commitment to providing a safe and child-friendly club.
- You understand that every individual matters, and their voices will be heard and listened to.
*5. Payment Terms*
- You agree to pay the monthly subscription fee on time.
- You understand that there is a zero-refund policy for all members, including PayAsGo, monthly, and subscription fees.
- Refunds will only be considered in severe situations, and will be decided on a case-by-case basis.
*6. Subscription Fees*
- You agree to pay the fixed monthly subscription fee.
- You understand that classes operate on the dates supplied, and that the subscription will be paused for the August period and restart in September.
- You understand that additional activities will be available during the School half term holidays and Summer holidays in August period, but these will incur additional costs.
*7. Image and Footage Consent*
- You agree that, if you have given consent, images and footage of your child may be taken and used for online content and advertisment.
- You understand that, once content has been posted, it will not be removable.
- You understand that, if you withdraw consent, no further images or footage will be captured or content created involving the child and posted online.
*8. Data Protection*
- You agree to PGA's Data Protection Policy, which complies with UK data protection laws.
- You understand that PGA will only use your personal data for the purposes of providing gymnastics services.
By signing up to PGA, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions.